Eat Stop Eat Review

Eat stop eat is an Intermittent Fasting (IF) diet designed by Brad Pilon. The diet’s methodology is quite different from the current trend towards providing regimented,
well-defined menus with multiple small mealsĀ  throughout the day; instead it allows for tremendous flexibility with what is eaten.

Its main tenet is a fast two non-consecutive days out of each week in order to cut total caloric intake and boost metabolism. If you are looking for a diet that allows you to call your own shots without having to learn the science of metabolism, carbs and protein, this may be the most effective diet for you.

Brad Pilon

Brad Pilon is the author of the Eat Stop Eat diet, as well as several other books
on building muscle and losing weight. He grew up interested in bodybuilding, and pursued an Applied Human Nutrition degree at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. His education and interest both show in the diet, which he created after much research on the metabolic effects of short term fasting. The result is an unstructured, easy-to-follow diet that, though not ideal for everybody, offers clear benefits for many.


Pilon is outraged by the marketing messages of diet and nutrition experts, who he says are in business to keep people coming back for another diet. The Eat Stop Eat diet counters this by accomplishing the goal of calorie reduction through two fasts per week.

Pilon recommends that the fast be done whenever it is convenient for you, and also that the fast be timed so that there is no day with absolutely no food; instead he says that you should fast from 2 pm to 2 pm. This is not one of those diets for quick weight loss; instead it provides a slow, steady overall caloric decrease that becomes evident over time and can become a permanent lifestyle choice.


The main benefit of the Eat Stop Eat diet is that it is so unstructured. In fact,
Brad Pilon, the diet’s author, doesn’t even consider it a diet as much as a different approach to eating. He used scientific research to determine that one or two fasts per week not only reduces caloric intake, but also can increase your HGH levels, allowing you to burn more fat.

This is in direct contradiction of the most recent, highly-controlled diets that
require small meals and claim that fasts will make you lose muscle. Pilon feels that there is
no truth to the notion that metabolism drops when calorie intake is reduced. In fact, he insists that there is no reason to feel restricted on your off-fast days, although eating healthy, nutritious meals can only help. The appeal of the diet is its flexibility; no need to prepare special meals or try to work your social calendar around the diet.

Instead you can look at your schedule and figure out which days are most convenient for fasting, then eat whatever you want when you’re out with friends, at a business conference, or wherever sticking to a strict menu would have been inconvenient. It is also among the better diet plans for women, because it makes up for extra calories that they may be taking in when eating similar portions to men.


The Eat Stop Eat diet has been described as evolutionary; its supporters point to the days when man was truly a hunter/gatherer and might have gone a day or two without food as an indication of its safety and success.

Dieters report great success and says its one of the few diets that really work;
they report having additional energy on their fast days, as well as extra money in their pockets from not having to spend on food for those two days.


Complaints about the system have been limited to its assumed level of knowledge about nutrition; when the diet guide recommends that you eat healthily, it doesn’t go too far beyond recommending fresh fruits and vegetables and keeping well-hydrated.