Diet Solution Program Review

The Diet Solution Program is one of the most popular diets  marketed on the internet. Research about the diet’s claims and effectiveness shows that it is rooted in sound nutritional science, makes no overblown claims to extraordinary weight loss, is well organized and easy to follow. Overall, this is one of the top diets available, and well worth the investment.

One of the strengths of the Diet Solution Program is that it is rooted in nutritional and exercise science. The program’s author is Isabel De Los Rios, a graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in Exercise Physiology. She has also been certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle Coach. Isabel’s background provides the education and understanding needed to create a program that is nutritionally and physiologically sound, realistic and safe.

The program identifies each dieter’s metabolic type and creates a nutritional schedule that is tailor-made for them. Once the meal plan has been identified, the plan then adds on both cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. This is what makes us think it is the most effective diet.

The resistance training in particular effectively keeps your metabolism burning at a high level long after each exercise session is over. This combination creates an effective, common-sense approach to weight loss that is well-organized and sets you up for long term success.

Diet Solution Program Review Article

Another important advantage of the Diet Solution Program is the extensive support that it offers you with your investment, including a free-for-life membership that provides a newsletter that provides informational articles and support for dieters.

The Diet Solution Program package includes a main guide that helps you determine your metabolic type, identifies the foods that work for you and against you, then uses that to create a personal meal plan. It provides a quick start guide so that you can get started immediately; this is very valuable for people who are anxious to get started on their weight loss program.

Over eighty recipes, a success journal to track what you’re eating and how you are feeling after each meal, shopping lists to keep you on track; all are included with this plan, leaving you well-equipped with all of the information that you need to achieve your goal and keep the weight off.

Just as important, the program has published an eye-opening guide to the top ten nutritional myths and mistakes about diets. The best thing about this plan is that it is reasonable and rooted in science; it does not make claims that set up you with unrealistic expectations like some other diets for quick weight loss.

The Diet Solution Program maintains that the diet industry makes false promises designed to keep dieters coming back after each failure; rather than emphasizing calorie count, this diet provides valuable information that can be adopted for life, both about nutrition and exercise.

Diet Solution Program Review Results

The Diet Solution Program is on our list of diets that really work; it provides
more than just weight loss results. Its benefits include the introduction of healthy, fresh foods like fish, organic poultry, meat and eggs, raw nuts, and lots of fresh produce. This diet plan will not only keep you full and healthy, but the recommended exercise will make your body leaner and stronger.

The Diet Solution Program’s fat loss strategy stresses the parallel benefits of proper nutrition with the importance of building fat-burning muscle through resistance training three times a week, allowing time for muscle recovery and cardio exercise in between sessions; the change that you will see will have a  total body impact.

Overall, the Diet Solution Program is a measured, realistic approach and one of our favorite diet and exercise programs.