5 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat Review

Many Americans want to lose  weight, but even more just want the rock hard, six-pack abs that superstars, models and athletes work so hard to get.  How does the average person accomplish this without having to devote hours at the gym each day? 

Caleb Lee, developer of the 5 Forbidden Commandments to Lose Stomach Fat praises himself on being at a 4% body fat percentage.  How did he do it?  By exposing the dieting industries fake proposals and creating a program on how to lose weight fast, Caleb Lee has helped thousands of people lose the pounds they have been trying for years to shed; this is actually one of those diets that work fast.


This program is not just a plan focused on how to lose weight, but it is geared more on how to achieve six pack abs.

Most diet plans for men and diet plans for women focus on overall weight loss, but this one is specifically geared towards the spare tire around your mid-section.  Caleb Lee has developed a diet that is based around a two-day a week routine that will enhance your body’s ability to burn fat around in the hardest area to do so.  This is what all American’s have been waiting for.


This Superdiet Program is based around some simple concepts: consume fewer calories, eat meals that satisfy your hunger, eat smarter meals, stop cardio workouts, and stop doing crunches because they don’t do any good.

Strength training is the most effective way to continuously burn calories and to increase your metabolism, paving your way to better abs in a shorter amount of time.  In each one of these little secrets, Caleb Lee describes how this impacts the normal dieter and why most programs have not worked in the past.  Though he is only twenty-something, he has over ten years experience in fitness and was willing to share his wealth of knowledge with the nation.  By suppressing your bodies hunger, feeding it the right fuel, and by doing the most effective exercises, you are more likely to develop the six-pack you have always wanted in less time.  

Reviews from Users

Those who have used Caleb Lee’s program have not only been successful, rarely do they ever return the product for a refund.  People who have ordered and put the program into action say that it is easy to use, requires less than an hour a day, and is great as long as you are willing to stick with it.  Over three hundred reviews have been written about Mr. Lee and his revolutionary program, most of which are commending him on how well his program works.  

This e-book is incredibly popular and has become very successful since its release.  Caleb Lee has really struck gold by creating a program that anyone can do and accomplish successfully, without a lot of extra time invested.  Because it is an e-book there is the negative aspect that there is no DVD or CD that accompany the material, but the e-book is worth its weight in gold.  

5 Tips to Lose Stomach Fat is an incredibly successful program that does just what it says- it gives you five tips to help you gain the six-pack abs you have always wanted.  By doing this you can have more confidence, more energy, and develop a better lifestyle that will bring you a better sense of well-being and happiness that you will carry forever.

Conclusion – The Bottom Line

 You can do better. Although the diet and plan are sound, there are far better programs out there which contain all of this material AND more. There are obvious gaps with NO videos, forum support or additional online media which most of the best programs are offering. 5 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat is NOT on the Top 10 diets list and it unlikely to ever get there.