Best Diets To Lose Weight Fast Free

The best diets to lose weight fast review page. These diets and exercise plans  are currently the HOTTEST and most trusted diets for quick weight loss on the planet! They’re not all the same and offer different freebies, training methods and meal plans. Make sure you take stock of your own situation and circumstances to find the most effective diet for you.


If you are looking to lose weight, the best diets that really work are the ones which are realistic and which you don’t have to change your whole life around. I have tried most of the common diets on the market; cabbage soup, South Beach, Atkins, Metabolic typing, Beetroot, Fibre…. a lot!

From this I have learnt, that although all of these diets have claimed to be the
best diets for quick weight loss, they simply are not.

Warning Signs Of Bad Diets

A diet which leaves you craving for carbohydrates after two weeks, therefore making you rush to buy crisps – is NOT one of the best diet plans to lose weight fast!  You pile the weight right back on as soon as you give into your cravings!  And trust me, you give in to them big time!

A diet which has you rushing off to the toilet because you have consumed copious amounts of slimy soup – is not one of the most successful diets either! All soup diets do, is make you go to the toilet a lot, reducing your bodies fluids and dehydrating you.  While you may appear to lose weight on the scales, as soon as you return to your old diet (and you HAVE to!) your fluids return to their normal level, and you are back to where you started.

How To Recognize A Good Diet Plan

So, if these crash diets are rubbish, then what ARE the best diets that really work?  There are several. Firstly, I would recommend diets and diet centres which have a group approach to losing weight.

What better to be dieting amongst other dieters!  At these centres, you learn from qualified people about diet and lifestyle, while making new friends.  These centres have open weigh in sessions where people share in each others successes.  It has been well proven that when losing weight, accountability to someone other than the dieter themselves leads to losing weight fast.  

If you do join a group centre – avoid buying any packaged food products which the company will always say compliment the diet.  This food is expensive, and really, you can make it all yourself.  Do buy their recipe books though.  Some of the best diets for quick weight loss, come with excellent tasty recipe books – you don’t want to feel like you are missing out.


The best ways to lose weight fast are not always about diet! Let’s be real here.
There is no cheating way to get out of – exercise!  Exercise is essential to losing weight.  It is simple common sense.  In order to lose weight, you must eat less calories than you burn!  Easy. This may seem simple, but most plans which claim to show you how to lose weight in a week, fail to offer a comprehensive exercise regime.    

You need to do at least 60 minutes of serious exercise a day if you are to burn off unwanted fat.  Forget about the 30 minutes which claimants of the best diets to lose weight will tell you.  If you are serious about losing weight, then you need to put aside an hour a day – EVERY DAY – to burn it off!


So far I have explained that the best diets to lose weight fast, are those which
include group weight loss sessions, in conjunction with a good exercise programme.

You just can’t beat this.  So, let your fingers do the walking. Find weight loss
clinics in the area, give them a call and ask them if they include group weigh ins
and meetings. Some will offer monthly talks from experts on the best diets to lose weight fast, and these tips and consequent discussions are invaluable.

Also get some new sports gear and hit the road!  You’ll lose weight fast – make new friends and regain lost energy!

Good luck!