B12 Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 performs an important role in making our nervous system and  the brain function normally. It is a water-soluble vitamin and holds a vital  role in the formation of blood in our bodies. Vitamin B12 is also 1 of the 8  vitamins that are a part of the metabolism of every single cell inside  our bodies. It affects fatty acid  synthesis, DNA synthesis, energy production as well as DNA regulation.

How It Helps Weight Loss

How vitamin B works for weight loss is simple. It is believed that vitamin B  gives you an energy boost and helps you in boosting your metabolism, which in turn helps in shedding extra weight. However, unless a person has a vitamin B deficiency, the injections are unlikely to give them an energy boost.

Shots / Injections

Even though there is no solid evidence that vitamin B aids weight loss, it is added to some foods as a dietary supplement. Some weight loss clinics offer vitamin B injections as a part of their weight-loss program.

The dosage differs from person to person and is dependent on a person’s age and the deficiency levels. The dosage usually starts with a daily shot of a very few thousand micrograms and is gradually reduced to weekly and then monthly doses as the deficiency starts reducing.

Shot Side Effects

Even though the injection shots are not very painful, they do come with several side effects. The side effects are rare but they do exist. Most common of them include weight changes, mild diarrhea, tingling in the extremities, nausea, light headedness, upset stomach, red skin, difficulty in breathing, difficulty in swallowing, light joint pain, headaches, pain at the area of injection, chest pain and heart palpitations (extremely rare).


The users of the injections/shots commented that they found them really helpful. It gave them an energy boost and helped them lose weight. However, a few also reported of the side effects such as extreme mood swings.


Similar to the shots, the Vitamin B12 pills are also used by a number of people to help them lose weight. The pills work in the same way as the shots, except that they have to be swallowed through the mouth.


Adults and adolescents aged 14 years and older are recommended to take 2.4 micrograms daily and adults and adolescent pregnant females can take 2.6 micrograms, while 2.8 micrograms is recommended for adult and adolescent lactating females.

Side Effects

Since the element being consumed is the same in both cases, the side effects of the Vitamin B12 pills are the same as those for the injections such as mild diarrhea, tingling in the extremities, nausea, light headedness, upset stomach, red skin, difficulty in breathing, difficulty in swallowing, light joint pain, headaches, pain at the area of injection, chest pain and heart palpitations.

User Reviews

The users of the product commented that the pills give them an instant energy boost. The boosted energy and the high rate of metabolism helped them lose weight. Not only this, the product has other positive effects as well. Customers reported that it improved their skin as well as the hair and nail growth. And, of course, the pills made up for the deficiency of the vitamin in their bodies.